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What’s new and exciting about the ASVS 4.0

with Josh Grossman


OWASP’s Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) is one of the few comprehensive guides of security requirements for applications. The 4.0 version, released in March 2019 represents a significant update with many new features as well as structural changes.

In this session, Josh, one of the project co-leaders, will go through what the ASVS is and how it is put together for those who are new to it and also what has changed in this new version.

He will also talk through some of the more interesting new requirements, how you can use the standard in your day job and how you can help shape the future of this important standard.

More about OWASP ASVS:


Application Security

Josh Grossman

Chief Technology Officer at Bounce Security

About Josh Grossman

Josh has worked as a consultant in IT/Application Security and Risk for 15 years now as well as a Software Developer. In that time he has seen the good, the bad and the stuff which is sadly/luckily still covered by an NDA. He is currently Chief Technology Officer for Bounce Security where he spends his time helping organisations improve and get better value from their Application Security processes and providing specialist Application Security advice. In his spare time he co-leads the OWASP Application Security Verification Standard project and is on the OWASP Israel chapter board.
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