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DSC Poland

Security Testing for Terraform Templates (IaC)

with Pawel Piwosz


During the October Poland Chapter event, Pawel Piwosz, Leader of the DevOps and Cloud Academy at EPAM Systems, talked us through Security Testing for Terraform Templates. During this talk, Pawel aims to disprove the following quote: “I hate DevOps, you are not thinking about security!”


Pawel Piwosz

Leading the DevOps and Cloud Academy at EPAM Systems

About Pawel Piwosz

Pawel Piwosz is a DevOps Institute Ambassador, CD Foundation Ambassador and AWS Community Builder. He is an Engineer, a leader, a mentor, and a speaker, devoted to Serverless and CI/CD. His focus is on CALMS. He is building a better understanding of DevOps as driver for the organization. And currently leading the DevOps and Cloud Academy at EPAM Systems Poland, where they are shaping new engineers to be professionals.

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