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Istio Ambient Mesh: Sidecar vs Sidecar-less como si tuviera 10 años

with Antonio Berbén Morales


This talk explains, in simple and straightforward Spanish, the difference between the Sidecar model and the model without Sidecar.

For Service Meshes, the Sidecar model was the only viable way to ensure that the mesh could take control of the application network.

With the evolution of Kubernetes, that assertion has become obsolete.

Today, Istio Service Mesh has brought the alternative. An architecture that reduces the amount of resources needed to make the mesh possible and eliminates the feeling that Istio is there.

With Istio Ambient Mesh, the user implementing a workload in Kubernetes does not notice that the application is part of a mesh.

It is completely transparent.

Key conclusions:

  • Concept of service mesh.
  • Concept of Sidecar.
  • Concept of Sidecar-less.
  • Sidecar-less component (Istio Ambient Mesh).

** This event was held in Spanish**


Antonio Berbén Morales

Principal Solutions Engineer at

About Antonio Berbén Morales

Antonio es ingeniero de campo en, donde trabaja para aprender de los usuarios y ayudarlos a recorrer el camino hacia la adopción total de Service Mesh.

Su trayectoria profesional procedente del desarrollo le hace poner siempre a los Desarrolladores en primer lugar. Su filosofía: “Los desarrolladores crean el negocio. El resto estamos aquí sólo para hacerles la vida más fácil”

Su mayor preocupación es: cómo acelerar el ciclo de vida del desarrollo. Ésa es una de las razones por las que es un entusiasta de Service Mesh.

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