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DSC Netherlands

Implementing security in a Kubernetes-based SDLC

with Peter Bennink


Join us for our very first DevSecCon Netherlands event where Peter Bennink, Senior Security Engineer at Backbase will be showing us how to implement security in a Kubernetes-based SDLC.


Implementing security in a Kubernetes-based SDLC

Containers and container orchestration have become the norm for a lot of companies when it comes to hosting services and applications. This does however open up the company to a whole new world of security measures that have to be considered; using containers in itself doesn’t make your environment more secure, unless you do it right. In addition to this you’d preferably want to integrate these security measures in a way that causes your development teams the least extra work, allowing them to focus on what they do best. To this end I will show what such an SDLC might look like, what aspects have to be considered in the development of the applications and their containers, and how your Kubernetes cluster can be configured for such an environment.


Peter Bennink

Senior Security Engineer at Backbase

About Peter Bennink

Peter Bennink is a senior security engineer at Backbase. While application security and pentesting was what initially attracted him to the security domain, his current focus lies on cloud and container/Kubernetes security.

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