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DSC Germany

DevSecOps strategy for developer

with Timo Pagel


As a developer, I want to perform DevOps with security backed into it. But there are so many options, where should I start? The OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM) guides what activities are there and in which order they should be implemented. While security experts are used to maturity models and their usage, it is sometimes hard for operations and developers.

In this talk, you will learn how to use DSOMM and apply it to your project.


Application Security
Open Source
Secure Development
Security Transformation
Threat Modeling

Timo Pagel

DevSecOps Consultant & OWASP Project Lead

About Timo Pagel

After a career as a system administrator and web developer, he advises customers as a DevSecOps consultant and trainer. His focus is on security test automation for software and infrastructure and assessment of complex applications in the cloud.

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