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Developer Horror Stories

with Randall Degges


Randall Degges shares some of his favourite Developer Horror stories!

Interested in seeing how even an experienced developer falls short in the real world? In this talk, you’ll learn, laugh, and cry at all the ways a professional developer has screwed up while building real-world web applications, and what was learned along the way. In particular, you’ll learn about the 12 Factor Application principles, and how they can prevent you from making the same mistakes.


Randall Degges

Senior Director, Developer Relations & Community at Snyk

About Randall Degges

Randall runs Developer Relations & Community at Snyk where he works on security research, development, and education. In his spare time, Randall writes articles and gives talks advocating for security best practices. Randall also builds and contributes to various open-source security tools.Randall’s realms of expertise include Python, JavaScript, and Go development, web security, cryptography, and infrastructure security. Randall has been writing software for over 20 years and has built a number of popular API services and open source tools.

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