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Desvendando Application Security

with Paulo César lima Silva, Marcos Santos, Rodrigo Balbino


Compreenda o processo de segurança de aplicações na proteção do software durante todo o seu ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento. Desenvolva uma compreensão profunda e abrangente do processo de segurança de aplicações, um elemento fundamental na garantia da proteção do software em cada etapa de seu ciclo de vida de desenvolvimento. Esse processo envolve a implementação de medidas de segurança, testes e monitoramento contínuo para mitigar vulnerabilidades e ameaças, aumentando assim a resiliência e confiabilidade do software.


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Paulo César lima Silva

Cyber Security Engineer at Nova8 Cybersecurity

About Paulo César lima Silva

Paulo has solid experiences in the areas of Technology, Systems, Projects and Business, working in the survey of customer and business needs, development and implementation of technological and innovative solutions focused on efficiency, treatment and analysis of business data, preparation of tools and integration of systems for improving management and decision making.

Marcos Santos

Security Researcher at Greenbone AG

About Marcos Santos

Formação em Defesa Cibernética pela FIAP-SP, larga experiência em Application Security, atualmente atuando também como Security Researcher.

Rodrigo Balbino

Cyber Security Manager at Nova8

About Rodrigo Balbino

Rodrigo Balbino is an Application Security Manager at Nova8 – where they help companies keep their software development processes more secure, as well the host of a DevSecOps Podcast.

Rodrigo graduated with a BSc in Computer Science in 2006 and a second degree in Cyber Defence in 2021.

Working as Software Engineer for over fifteen years, he had the opportunity to work in companies of various industries such as finance, tourism, education, agencies and others.

In 2021 he decided to migrate to Application Security to aggregate all this knowledge with the secure development process.

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