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Building Secure React Applications

with Ron Perris, Jim Manico


Cross-Site Scripting (or client-side JavaScript injection) and other client-side risk are well known technical challenges that web application developers have faced for many years. While frameworks like React provide some automatic defenses to stop Cross Site Scripting; React developers still require specialized knowledge to build secure React applications. This presentation will review some of the necessary general purpose Cross Site Scripting defense recommendations as well as present specialized techniques that all React developers who wish to build secure React applications will benefit from.



Ron Perris

About Ron Perris

Ron Perris – Manicode Security Ron provides secure code training and specific remediation guidance through in-person workshops and online courses at Manicode Security. Also, as a member of the Node.js Security WG, Ron provides source code review and code remediation guidance to the JavaScript developer community.
Jim Manico

Jim Manico

Founder at Manicode Security

About Jim Manico

Jim Manico is the founder of Manicode Security. As a seasoned educator in security, Jim teaches software developers how to write secure code, and has provided developer training for SANS and WhiteHat Security among others. He is also an OWASP volunteer.

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