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DSC Rio De Janeiro

AWS Cognito: Attacks and Remediations

with Rafael Fernandes


AWS Cognito: Attacks and Remediations

AWS Cognito is a powerful tool for managing user authentication and authorization in cloud-based applications. However, like any technology, it is not immune to security threats. This talk will explore the most common attacks targeting AWS Cognito and how to mitigate them.


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Rafael Fernandes

Cybersecurity Analyst at Zé Delivery

About Rafael Fernandes

Red Teamer com foco em aplicações Web e Mobile, Cientista da Computação de formação e entusiasta de Engenharia Reversa, Análise de Malware e Bug Bounty

Translation: Red Teamer focused on Web and Mobile applications, Computer Scientist by training and Reverse Engineering enthusiast, Malware Analysis and Bug Bounty

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