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DSC Dallas

AppSec Testing: Start Left to Stay Ahead

with Gadi Bashvitz


AppSec teams continue to struggle in 2023 as they have to deal with hundreds of developers for every security expert and they are simply unable to keep up with accelerating development timelines. The only way to permanently unblock application security is to introduce security testing as early in the SDLC as Unit security testing. BrightSec CEO Gadi Bashvitz will do a deep dive into the most frustrating challenges application security runs into while aiming to Shift Left and the practical steps to do it effectively.

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Gadi Bashvitz

Co-founder and CEO at BrightSec

About Gadi Bashvitz

Gadi is the co-founder and CEO of BrightSec, a cyber security company based out of Israel. He dedicates his time to evangelizing application security by speaking at events and promoting sound security practices in the DevSecOps space. 

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