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DSC SF Bay Area

Application-layer guarantees for data authenticity, integrity & privacy

with Mrinal Wadhwa


Modern applications have moved from enterprise data centers into multi-tenant cloud and edge environments. They operate in untrusted networks and increasingly rely on third-party managed services and infrastructure. This creates exponential growth in the vulnerability surface of our application data.

Data, within our applications, routinely flows over complex, multi-hop, multi-protocol routes — across network boundaries, beyond data centers, through queues and caches, via gateways and brokers — before reaching its end destination. The vulnerability surfaces of all these dependencies get added to the vulnerability surface of our application data and make it unmanageable. To build applications that are secure-by-design and private-by-default, we have to bake end-to-end guarantees of data authenticity, integrity & privacy into our distributed applications.

This month we had Mrinal Wadhwa join us to dive deep into this topic. This is an incredibly interesting talk for anyone interested in application security, distributed systems, and anything in-between.

Mrinal is the CTO at Ockam, where they’re building many open source tools for developing safe and secure applications


Mrinal Wadhwa

CTO at Ockam

About Mrinal Wadhwa

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