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DSC Kenya

DevSecOps Connect



December 9. 2023




Sote Hub, Bella Rosa House, Moyne Dr, Mombasa, Kenya


Questions? Join the conversation on Discord channel #devsecon-discussions-🗣

About the event:

Exciting news! DevSecCon Kenya presents “DevSecOps Connect,” a dynamic event featuring speakers like Chris Mukunya, Jacob Moracha, Oluoch Rachel, Elijah Bus, and Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha. Talks range from Keynote Addresses to securing serverless architectures, WordPress websites, and supply chain security for Dart and Flutter projects on GitHub.

Don’t miss the captivating roundtable discussion, “Current Trends and Future Outlook in DevSecOps,” with all speakers participating. Plus, enjoy a delicious catered lunch and valuable networking opportunities with industry professionals and community members. Join us for a day of insights and connections at “DevSecOps Connect.

Location (hybrid)

In-person: Sote Hub, Bella Rosa House, Moyne Dr, Mombasa, Kenya



9:00 AM  – Registration and Networking

9:15 AM – Partner Introductions

9:30 AM – Opening Remarks and DevSecOps Unveiled: Integrating Security in the Development Lifecycle with Chris Mukunya

10:00 AM – Securing Serverless: AWS Lambda and Resilient Architectures with Jacob Moracha

10:45 AM – Securing WordPress: Exploring Essential Features and Plugins for Enhanced Website Security with Oluoch Rachel

11:30 AM – Networking Break

11:50 AM – A Glimpse into DevSecOps with Elijah Bus

12:35 AM – Supply Chain Security Features for Dart and Flutter projects on Github with Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha 

1:25 PM – Lunch Break

2:10 PM – Roundtable Discussion

2:50 PM – Closing Remarks

3:00 PM – Networking Reception


Session one: DevSecOps Unveiled: Integrating Security in the Development Lifecycle with Chris Mukunya

This talk provides a comprehensive exploration of DevSecOps, delving into its fundamental principles and key practices for seamlessly integrating security throughout the entire development lifecycle. DevSecOps is positioned as a transformative paradigm shift, moving beyond conventional security measures to embrace a holistic and collaborative framework. The talk highlights how DevSecOps goes beyond mere integration, becoming a cultural and operational shift within organizations. It emphasizes collaboration, automation, and shared responsibility, fundamentally altering dynamics between developers and operations teams. This proactive approach to security stresses the significance of addressing vulnerabilities at every stage of development rather than relying on retroactive patches.

Session two: Securing Serverless: AWS Lambda and Resilient Architectures with Jacob Moracha

The presentation focuses on the integral role of security integration within AWS Lambda-based architectures. It provides practical insights into establishing robust security frameworks for serverless systems. Key aspects explored include the secure management of sensitive data using environment variables, with emphasis on best practices and real-world examples. Additionally, the talk offers actionable guidance on implementing automated compliance checks in AWS Lambda architectures, empowering attendees to leverage automation tools for enforcing and monitoring security policies in alignment with industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Session three: Securing WordPress: Exploring Essential Features and Plugins for Enhanced Website Security with Oluoch Rachel

This session delves into WordPress security intricacies, addressing unique challenges in this widely-used content management system. The main goal is to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of protective measures aimed at enhancing the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of WordPress-based sites. Through the lens of a DevSecOps approach, the talk demonstrates how proactive security practices can seamlessly integrate into the development lifecycle of WordPress projects. The session emphasizes the importance of a security-first mindset and introduces a curated selection of essential plugins, ranging from firewalls to malware scanners, as powerful guardians against potential threats. Attendees will leave with a nuanced understanding of implementing DevSecOps to fortify WordPress websites, ensuring both longevity and resilience in the face of an ever-evolving threat landscape.

Session four: A Glimpse into DevSecOps with Elijah Bus

This talk provides an in-depth exploration of DevSecOps, focusing on the intricate process of building a NodeJS service while emphasizing the crucial role of security throughout the development and deployment lifecycle. Participants will gain insights into weaving security principles into every stage of software development, from initial conception to final deployment. The presentation transcends theory, offering practical guidance on implementing robust security measures specific to NodeJS services. Attendees will witness the application of secure coding methodologies and encryption protocols, ensuring the service’s resilience against potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, the session underscores the importance of continuous security testing, demonstrating how a proactive approach can identify and mitigate risks at every development stage, fostering a culture of resilience and responsiveness to emerging threats.

Session five: Supply Chain Security Features for Dart and Flutter projects on Github with Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha 

This talk invites attendees to an insightful discussion on bolstering the integrity and security of Dart and Flutter projects hosted on GitHub. The session outlines measures for verifying source code authenticity, validating dependencies, and proactively monitoring potential vulnerabilities. Attendees will gain practical insights into fortifying their projects, establishing a robust security posture, and enhancing resilience against emerging threats.


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Chris Mukunya, Security Analyst | BsidesMombasa/DSCKE Chapter Lead

Chris Mukunya is an individual whose passion lies at the intersection of cybersecurity, cloud technology, community building, and open-source advocacy. Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the realm of cybersecurity, Chris tirelessly works to navigate the complexities of this dynamic field, contributing to its evolution and ensuring digital landscapes remain secure. In addition to his expertise in cybersecurity, Chris has a profound interest in cloud technology, leveraging its capabilities to enhance efficiency and scalability in diverse technological landscapes.

However, Chris’s impact extends beyond technical proficiency, as he is equally devoted to community building. Recognizing the importance of fostering connections within the industry, he actively engages in creating spaces that encourage collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and mentorship. His dedication to building a strong sense of community underscores his belief in the collective strength of like-minded individuals working towards common goals.

As an open-source enthusiast, Chris champions the principles of transparency, collaboration, and accessibility in software development. Embracing the ethos of open-source, he not only utilizes open technologies but also advocates for their widespread adoption, firmly believing in the transformative power of collaborative innovation.


Jacob Moracha, Developer |  Zufu

Jacob Moracha is a dedicated software engineer who fervently champions inclusive app development. Possessing a wealth of experience in the realms of React Native and cloud computing, Jacob stands at the forefront of technological advancements. His commitment extends beyond mere proficiency, as he actively strives to share practical insights and catalyze innovation within the expansive development community. With a deep-seated belief in the power of collaboration and inclusivity, Jacob Moracha is not just a skilled professional but a visionary force propelling the evolution of app development towards greater accessibility and creativity.


Oluoch Rachel, Website Designer and Developer | Pwaniteknowgalz

Oluoch Rachel, a seasoned and advanced WordPress Designer and Developer, stands out in the industry with a unique blend of creativity and an unwavering commitment to detail. With a distinguished skill set, Oluoch specializes in not just meeting but exceeding client expectations, ensuring the delivery of bespoke solutions that perfectly align with the unique needs and visions of those being served.

Having honed key skills in the art of website design and development, Oluoch Rachel possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies of WordPress, utilizing this knowledge to craft websites that seamlessly combine aesthetics with functionality. Oluoch is not merely a practitioner but an artist, using the WordPress platform as a canvas to bring the visions of clients to life, all while adhering to the highest standards of quality and innovation.

In addition to technical proficiency, Oluoch Rachel places a premium on effective communication and collaboration, working closely with clients to grasp their requirements and aspirations. This collaborative approach ensures that every project is not just a technical endeavor but a partnership, resulting in websites that not only meet but often exceed the expectations of those who entrust their digital presence to Oluoch’s expertise.

Furthermore, Oluoch understands the dynamic nature of the digital landscape and keeps abreast of the latest trends and technologies in WordPress design and development. This commitment to continuous learning and adaptation enables Oluoch Rachel to offer cutting-edge solutions, staying at the forefront of the ever-evolving field of web design.


Elijah Bus, Founder | DevBus.Dev | DSCKE Chapter Lead

Meet Elijah Bus, the dedicated Founder of DevDus.Dev, on a mission to equip developers with the essential tools and knowledge needed to thrive in production environments. Elijah’s passion lies in fostering awareness and proficiency among developers, recognizing the pivotal role these elements play in navigating the complexities of real-world development scenarios.


Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha, Coding Instructor | Mentor | Pwaniteknowgalz

Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha, an accomplished website developer, brings a wealth of expertise to the realm of technology with a specialized focus on Django and Flutter mobile app development. Currently serving as a Coding Instructor at Pwaniteknowgalz, Antony is deeply passionate about fostering tech communities and contributing to the growth of aspiring developers.

With a strong foundation in Django development, Antony has demonstrated his proficiency in creating robust and dynamic web solutions. His skills extend seamlessly into the mobile app domain, where he excels as a Flutter mobile app developer, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to craft engaging and innovative applications.

In his role as a Coding Instructor at Pwaniteknowgalz, Antony is dedicated to imparting knowledge and empowering the next generation of developers, particularly focusing on inclusivity and diversity in the tech space. His commitment to education extends beyond formal channels, as he actively engages with tech communities like Flutteristas and American Spaces, contributing to the collaborative spirit that defines these groups.

Elijah Bus

Founder at DevDus.Dev

About Elijah Bus

Meet Elijah Bus, the dedicated Founder of DevDus.Dev, on a mission to equip developers with the essential tools and knowledge needed to thrive in production environments. Elijah’s passion lies in fostering awareness and proficiency among developers, recognizing the pivotal role these elements play in navigating the complexities of real-world development scenarios.

Jacob Moracha

Developer at Zufu

About Jacob Moracha

Jacob Moracha is a dedicated software engineer who fervently champions inclusive app development. Possessing a wealth of experience in the realms of React Native and cloud computing, Jacob stands at the forefront of technological advancements. His commitment extends beyond mere proficiency, as he actively strives to share practical insights and catalyze innovation within the expansive development community. With a deep-seated belief in the power of collaboration and inclusivity, Jacob Moracha is not just a skilled professional but a visionary force propelling the evolution of app development towards greater accessibility and creativity.

Oluoch Rachel

Website Designer and Developer at Pwaniteknowgalz

About Oluoch Rachel

Oluoch Rachel, a seasoned and advanced WordPress Designer and Developer, stands out in the industry with a unique blend of creativity and an unwavering commitment to detail. With a distinguished skill set, Oluoch specializes in not just meeting but exceeding client expectations, ensuring the delivery of bespoke solutions that perfectly align with the unique needs and visions of those being served.

Having honed key skills in the art of website design and development, Oluoch Rachel possesses a deep understanding of the intricacies of WordPress, utilizing this knowledge to craft websites that seamlessly combine aesthetics with functionality. Oluoch is not merely a practitioner but an artist, using the WordPress platform as a canvas to bring the visions of clients to life, all while adhering to the highest standards of quality and innovation.

In addition to technical proficiency, Oluoch Rachel places a premium on effective communication and collaboration, working closely with clients to grasp their requirements and aspirations. This collaborative approach ensures that every project is not just a technical endeavor but a partnership, resulting in websites that not only meet but often exceed the expectations of those who entrust their digital presence to Oluoch’s expertise.

Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha

Coding Instructor | Mentor at Pwaniteknowgalz

About Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha

Antony Wugoma Mwakiacha, an accomplished website developer, brings a wealth of expertise to the realm of technology with a specialized focus on Django and Flutter mobile app development. Currently serving as a Coding Instructor at Pwaniteknowgalz, Antony is deeply passionate about fostering tech communities and contributing to the growth of aspiring developers.

With a strong foundation in Django development, Antony has demonstrated his proficiency in creating robust and dynamic web solutions. His skills extend seamlessly into the mobile app domain, where he excels as a Flutter mobile app developer, leveraging cutting-edge technologies to craft engaging and innovative applications.

In his role as a Coding Instructor at Pwaniteknowgalz, Antony is dedicated to imparting knowledge and empowering the next generation of developers, particularly focusing on inclusivity and diversity in the tech space. His commitment to education extends beyond formal channels, as he actively engages with tech communities like Flutteristas and American Spaces, contributing to the collaborative spirit that defines these groups.

Chris Mukunya

Security analyst at Bsidesmombasa

About Chris Mukunya

Chris Mukunya is an individual whose passion lies at the intersection of cybersecurity, cloud technology, community building, and open-source advocacy. Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to the realm of cybersecurity, Chris tirelessly works to navigate the complexities of this dynamic field, contributing to its evolution and ensuring digital landscapes remain secure. In addition to his expertise in cybersecurity, Chris has a profound interest in cloud technology, leveraging its capabilities to enhance efficiency and scalability in diverse technological landscapes.

However, Chris’s impact extends beyond technical proficiency, as he is equally devoted to community building. Recognizing the importance of fostering connections within the industry, he actively engages in creating spaces that encourage collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and mentorship. His dedication to building a strong sense of community underscores his belief in the collective strength of like-minded individuals working towards common goals.

As an open-source enthusiast, Chris champions the principles of transparency, collaboration, and accessibility in software development. Embracing the ethos of open-source, he not only utilizes open technologies but also advocates for their widespread adoption, firmly believing in the transformative power of collaborative innovation.

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