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12 Days of MyDevSecOps!

December 6, 2019

The DevSecCon Team
The DevSecCon Team

Day 1

12 Days of MyDevSecOps

Happy Friday and welcome to the first day of 12 Days of MyDevSecOps! As we near the end of the year we wanted to share some of our favourite moments of 2019! We’ve hosted 22 live virtual sessions with speakers from around the world on a wide variety of topics, and continued to grow our Slack community of amazing security professionals. Coupled with the recent merger of The Secure Developer and DevSecCon, we thought that there isn’t a better way to kick off our 12 Days of MyDevSecOps, than by going back to why we launched this community and the value that we all create and continue to benefit from.

Our first ever blog post about our aims and our reason for being can be found here:M but we would love to hear from you about your favourite moments. Jump onto our Slack community or Twitter (using #12DaysofMDSO) to share.

Day 2

MyDevSecOps day 2

Day 2 sees our focus turn to the goings-on at DevSecCon!In 2020 we will bring you more than 7 events around the world, and to give you a taste of what’s to come, we have four clips from Seattle and London.

Have a favourite moment from one of our 2019 events? Jump onto our Slack community or Twitter (using #12DaysofMDSO) to share.

First up is a clip from the London opening keynote, where our very own Sam Hepburn talks about the community aspects of DevSecCon and how we plan to bring them into this digital community.

From there we go to DevSecCon Seattle, where Tanya Janca talks about how Security is Everybody’s Job and the importance of building relationships and avoiding blame culture.

From there we go to DevSecCon Seattle, where Tanya Janca talks about how Security is Everybody’s Job and the importance of building relationships and avoiding blame culture.


We conclude day 2 with the day 2 keynote at DevSecCon Seattle that saw Julien Vehent talk about going Beyond the Security Team, and the value that embedded security engineers & champions can bring to an organisation’s security journey.


Welcome to day 3 of 12 Days of MyDevSecOps! One of our more lively editions of the MyDevSecOps virtual session series saw Jim Manico take his demo to another level, as his crossbow made a big impact during our session on Building Secure React Applications! What will Jim bring the next time we invite him to join us?!

Have a favourite moment from one of our 2019 events? Jump onto our Slack community or Twitter (using #12DaysofMDSO) to share.


MyDevSecOps community corner

On Day 4 of #12DaysofMDSO, at DevSecCon London we ran our first ever community corner, with lightning AMAs from speakers & members of our Slack community!

We had great guests, participants and amazing conversations! As we go into 2020, we will be continuing these events at our DevSecCon events, and we are looking to bring Community Corner to external events as well so if you are looking to add some community magic to a conference or meetup you are part of, then let us know via our Twitter handle, or join our Slack community!


On day 5 of #12DaysofMDSO we look back to our podcast series, The Secure Developer with host Guy Podjarny. In episode 28, Guy spoke to Jason Chan from Netflix about simplifying the security process for software developers. Check out a clip from the episode here:

We have 42 episodes in our library to date and you can enjoy them all here:


On day 6 of #12DaysofMDSO, we celebrate the amazing guests that have appeared on our 22 virtual sessions this year. There are so many different humans and aspects of security and we try to reflect this in the guests that we chose, so a huge thank you to everyone who appeared in our sessions this year. We are on the lookout for speakers to continue our virtual sessions in 2020, so if you have a topic that you believe would benefit our community we want to hear from you:  How you would like to deliver a session is totally open to you, from a 15 minute lightning talk to a full-on panel discussion and everything in between. Head over to this link to register, or share this message with anyone that you think would be keen to get involved.Check out our library of sessions from this year here:

MyDevSecOps day 7


Day 7 of #12DaysofMDSO is all about the content we’ve enjoyed this year. We’ve enjoyed a wide variety of topics, from the state of open source security to myths around cloud security to implementing devsecops in Azure.

MyDecSecOps analytics

We want to keep providing content that is valuable to our community and so if there is a topic that you feel would benefit our community then please let us know in our Slack community, or over on our Twitter channel.


Day 8 of #12DaysofMDSO is one of the most important, because we celebrate you, our amazing community members! We have grown to over 1k members, from around the world and from across the security field.

We have really enjoyed seeing community members connect and learn together, whether they:

  • Answer questions from fellow community members

  • Share meetups and events they are a part of

  • Participate in our live virtual session q&as

MyDevSecOps teamwork

The strength and value of our community is in our members and on behalf of the community team, we thank you sincerely for all the contributions, feedback and most importantly, your time.We look forward to continuing to bring you engaging and educational content into 2020, and seeing all the amazing contributions to this community that you all help to build, grow and thrive.


On day 9 of #12DaysofMDSO, we wanted to celebrate the 2019 DevSecCon, DevSecOps Leadership Awards! We had three awards to give out:

Inspiring DevSecOps Individual of 2019

Rewarding unique achievements by a forward-thinking individual that has contributed significantly to the industry and community

Most effective DevSecOps Team of 2019

Rewarding teams that have made significant improvements in 2019 to improve and create a robust DevSecOps solution in their organization.

Outstanding DevSecOps Community of 2019

Rewarding the hard work and contributions made through education and community building from DevSecOps meetups and events.

We had so many amazing nominations, but sadly only could pick three winners and they are:

MyDevSecOps Leadership Winners

Mohammed A. Imran – Inspiring DevSecOps Individual of 2019

Mohammed’s DevSecOps course, which was amazing, insightful and informative. I have learnt a lot and this has now prepared me to assist our organisation in reaching the next maturity level on our DevSecOps journey. Mohammed is all about giving back and he has recently released a free course which he has released weekly via email which covers container security as an example.

Telstra – Most effective DevSecOps Team of 2019

We have launched a DevOps Security initiative in 2018 that has been recognized country wide across Australia and has impacted Developers globally by providing industry training, tooling and enhanced Devops Security processes throughout the Telstra Development community.

DevSecOps London Gathering

These monthly gatherings have consistently involved great speakers with discussing real work issues and solutions. The varied format of the gatherings speaker lead, workshop, discussion panel creates a great forum learning. The organiser takes special care to ensure everyone is welcome and opinions heard.

Michael has worked hard building a friendly and welcoming security meetup without seeking attention or gain for himself. He ensures his connections within the community and vendors are put to good use helping others learn and share ideas. He works very hard to make this happen and I’m convinced he does it because he wants to see the industry get better and work together, and not because of any personal rewards.

Congratulations to all the winners!



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